
本杰明·巴顿奇事 The Curious Case of Benjamin Button
  这是一部时间倒走的电影,一个人从老人逐步变得年轻,他该承受了多大的心理压力。应该说电影本身的故事就很美,爱情片就是这样,不然也不会提名 2009 第81届奥斯卡 最佳改编剧本。感觉和阿甘正传有点相似,都要告诉人们一些什么东西。这是一部伤痕电影,整个感情色彩是灰色的,不可能取悦观众但足以引起部分心灵的震撼。
  Benjamin Button: Sometimeswe’re on a collision course, and we just don’t know it. Whether it’s by accident or by design, there’s not a thing we can do about it. A woman in Paris was on her way to go shopping, but she had forgotten her coat – went back to get it. When she had gotten her coat, the phone had rung, so she’d stopped to answer it; talked for a couple of minutes. While the woman was on the phone, Daisy was rehearsing for a performance at the Paris Opera House. And whileshe was rehearsing, the woman, off the phone now, had gone outside to get a taxi. Now a taxi driver had dropped off a fare earlier and had stopped to get acup of coffee. And all the while, Daisy was rehearsing. And this cab driver, who dropped off the earlier fare; who’d stopped to get the cup of coffee, had picked up the lady who was going to shopping, and had missed getting an earlier cab. The taxi had to stop for a man crossing the street, who had left for work five minutes later than he normally did, because he forgot to set off his alarm. While that man, late for work, was crossing the street, Daisy had finished rehearsing, and was taking a shower. And while Daisy was showering, the taxi was waiting outside a boutique for the woman to pick up a package, which hadn’t been wrapped yet, because the girl who was supposed to wrap it had broken up with her boyfriend the night before, and forgot. When the package was wrapped, the woman, who was back in the cab,was blocked by a delivery truck, all the while Daisy was getting dressed. The delivery truck pulled away and the taxi was able to move, while Daisy, the last to be dressed, waited for one of her friends, who had broken a shoelace. While the taxiwas stopped, waiting for a trafficlight, Daisy and her friend came out the back of the theater.


    1. 让子弹飞我还没开始看,虽然下载了几天了,一直都是同学在看,据说很好笑的。返老还童就绝对经典,像阿甘正传一样
